Hypothetical Learning Trajectory Pada Materi Perbandingan Senilai Dengan Pendekatan PMRI Konteks Budaya Sumatera Selatan


  • Dewi Kurnia UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Riza Agustiani UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Feli Ramury UIN Raden Fatah Palembang




Perbandingan Senilai, Hypothetical Learning Trajectory, Pendekatan PMRI


Hypothetical Learning Trajectory is a hypothesis or conjecture of students' thoughts and strategies that
develop from a context to formal knowledge in learning activities. PMRI is an innovation in mathematics
education which is the result of an adaptation of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) which has been
harmonized with the conditions of culture, geography and life of the Indonesian people in general. This study
aims to determine the results of the learning trajectory of class VII students in mathematics learning
comparable material with the PMRI approach in the cultural context of South Sumatra. The method used is
Design Research. The approach used is PMRI using the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory as a hypothesis.The research instrument used the iceberg design, HLT design, written tests, interviews and documentation.
The results of this study are activity 1 students can solve comparative problems with simpler and easier to
understand problems from the context of songket cloth, activity 2 students solve the problem of how many
songket fabrics are produced and the time spent with simpler questions, then analyze equivalent comparison,
while activity 3 students exemplify the problem with variables, simplify the comparison then subtract it with
the damaged songket cloth and write down the answers


Hypothetical Learning Trajectory is a hypothesis or conjecture of students' thoughts and strategies that
develop from a context to formal knowledge in learning activities. PMRI is an innovation in mathematics
education which is the result of an adaptation of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) which has been
harmonized with the conditions of culture, geography and life of the Indonesian people in general. This study
aims to determine the results of the learning trajectory of class VII students in mathematics learning
comparable material with the PMRI approach in the cultural context of South Sumatra. The method used is
Design Research. The approach used is PMRI using the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory as a hypothesis.The research instrument used the iceberg design, HLT design, written tests, interviews and documentation.
The results of this study are activity 1 students can solve comparative problems with simpler and easier to
understand problems from the context of songket cloth, activity 2 students solve the problem of how many
songket fabrics are produced and the time spent with simpler questions, then analyze equivalent comparison,
while activity 3 students exemplify the problem with variables, simplify the comparison then subtract it with
the damaged songket cloth and write down the answers


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