Representasi Teori Graf Dalam Jejaring Sosial Instagram


  • Sindi Ulandari UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Atika Zahra UIN Raden Fatah Palembang



Jejaring Sosial, Instagram, Teori Graf


Social networking or social media is a medium for reflection,social media is very easy for anyone and anywhere to use. With social media,people can expand their acquaintances or friends and can find old friends who may not havemet for a long time. Instagram is an application for sharing photos,videos and also as a communication tool. On instagram you can find out person’s social value by looking at the number of followers and following, the more the person has followers and following, the wider the social interactions he has have. Followers and following can be displayed or represedted in grahptheory, where this graph theory is a diagram that contains certain information and is symbolized by a connected point. Grahp theory on the instagram sosial network ha banefits, namely, among other things, ot can help in finding old friends, finding new friends who have the same likes. And other. With thus research it is hoped that is can help in understanding graph theory on the instagram social network to see what graph exist in the social interactions of instagram users.



Social networking or social media is a medium for reflection,social media is very easy for anyone and anywhere to use. With social media,people can expand their acquaintances or friends and can find old friends who may not havemet for a long time. Instagram is an application for sharing photos,videos and also as a communication tool. On instagram you can find out person’s social value by looking at the number of followers and following, the more the person has followers and following, the wider the social interactions he has have. Followers and following can be displayed or represedted in grahptheory, where this graph theory is a diagram that contains certain information and is symbolized by a connected point. Grahp theory on the instagram sosial network ha banefits, namely, among other things, ot can help in finding old friends, finding new friends who have the same likes. And other. With thus research it is hoped that is can help in understanding graph theory on the instagram social network to see what graph exist in the social interactions of instagram users.



