Penerapan Integral Numerik Metode Simpson Pada konteks Perahu Bidar Sumatera Selatan


  • Anggun Meylani Saputri UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Atika Zahra UIN Raden Fatah Palembang



Perahu Bidar, Luas Daerah, Integral Numerik Metode Simpson.


The numerical integral method is a definite integral based on approximation calculations, so the results obtained do not have to be exactly the same as the exact solution.  This research was conducted on one of the bidar boats in the city of Palembang.  The numerical integral method in this study uses the Simpson method by comparing several existing methods in the Simpson method, the 1/3 Simpson method uses three data points (second order polynomial) and the 3/8 Simpson method uses four data points (third order polynomial).  ).  The distance between the data points is the same.  By comparing the smallest error rate, the analysis carried out is the actual area, namely by using the Simpson method with a depth of 1/3 one inch and 1/3 lot, where for bidiri ships in circulation have an area value of 3m² and an exact error or  the amount that occurs is 0.993339829%.  Meanwhile, traditional bidar boats have an exact area value of 8.1375m² or an error magnitude of 0.99999849%.


The numerical integral method is a definite integral based on approximation calculations, so the results obtained do not have to be exactly the same as the exact solution.  This research was conducted on one of the bidar boats in the city of Palembang.  The numerical integral method in this study uses the Simpson method by comparing several existing methods in the Simpson method, the 1/3 Simpson method uses three data points (second order polynomial) and the 3/8 Simpson method uses four data points (third order polynomial).  ).  The distance between the data points is the same.  By comparing the smallest error rate, the analysis carried out is the actual area, namely by using the Simpson method with a depth of 1/3 one inch and 1/3 lot, where for bidiri ships in circulation have an area value of 3m² and an exact error or  the amount that occurs is 0.993339829%.  Meanwhile, traditional bidar boats have an exact area value of 8.1375m² or an error magnitude of 0.99999849%.


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